frequently asked questions

At Paver Restore, we place a strong emphasis on transparent communication. However, please understand that our schedule can sometimes be influenced by variables such as weather and unforeseen factors. Some clients have flexible timelines, while others have specific deadlines due to prior commitments. Although maintaining absolute precision can be challenging, we prioritize non-flexible projects and adjust flexible ones accordingly. Regardless of your project’s category, we commit to keeping you informed, notifying you of any delays, or even if we happen to be ahead of schedule.

In the rare event that this situation arises, we will extend the courtesy of granting you priority booking for the upcoming spring. Alternatively, if you prefer, we can remove you from the schedule and provide a full refund.
Such as power washing the paving stones and applying polymeric sand, often leads to unsatisfactory results. Some may even try to lift and relay certain areas. Unfortunately, without the necessary training and experience, many homeowners find that they actually end up spending more money in the long term. The process of restoring paving stones involves several crucial factors, including using the correct water pressure (which typically isn’t achievable with standard electric or domestic gas pressure washers), using proper washer attachments, ensuring the joints are sufficiently stripped for effective polymeric sand application, consolidating polymeric sand effectively with a gas-powered compactor, seamlessly integrating lifted and relayed paver areas with existing sections, and addressing numerous other details.
Even experienced contractors may not fully grasp the nuanced distinctions in the sand application process from one product to another. Many homeowners who have attempted to use polymeric sand on their own often fall short in removing an adequate amount of the old jointing material, rendering the new polymeric sand ineffective. Additionally, improper water application can lead to product failure. At Paver Restore, we exclusively employ the highest-quality products available in the industry and possess extensive expertise and know-how in the precise application of these products, ensuring that you achieve optimal results.